
The Whundo project (100% owned) is a high-grade brownfield copper-zinc project with significant resource expansion potential. Whundo is a VMS style Resource, which is typically characterised by multiple deposits within a cluster. This is evident through the historical discovery of the Whundo, Ayshia and Yannery deposits while recent drilling and subsequent downhole EM has confirmed additional promising prospects including at Austin and Shelby.

Location and Tenure

The Whundo project comprises two mining licences (M47/7 and M47/9) and a miscellaneous license (L47/163) located approximately 40km south of Karratha in the West Pilbara region of Western Australia, covering an area of approximately 9km2 within the West Pilbara Mineral Field. Access is via the sealed road to Tom Price heading south from Karratha then onto a mine road into the historical mine site.

Prospectivity and Forward Exploration Program

The Whundo Project is estimated to contain a JORC 2012 Inferred and Indicated resource of 6.2Mt @ 1.12% Cu and 1.04% Zn, for a total 45,000 tonnes Cu and 39,000 tonnes Zn metal in the Indicated category and a total 24,000 tonnes Cu and 25,000 tonnes Zn in the inferred category (using a 0.2% Cu lower cut-off).

The Whundo project comprises six discrete Cu-Zn deposits, namely, Whundo East, Whundo West, Austin, Shelby, Yannery and Ayshia. The JORC resources are currently limited to Whundo East, Whundo West and Ayshia deposits. The Austin, Shelby and Yannery deposits are currently under tested with a high-level review completed in May 2024 confirming potential for significant resource expansion.

A staged RC drill program has commenced which is focussed on the Austin, Shelby, Ayshia and Yannery deposits. This program aims to identify and where possible quantify new resources with the targeting guided by an extensive project review completed in early-May along with new information gained after completion of each drill stage.


The known copper and zinc deposits at Whundo are confined to a single stratigraphic horizon as a series of NW to NNW plunging shoots that outcropped as a sinuous line of discontinuous goethite-hematite gossans that can be traced for some 500 metres along strike. Individual ore shoots have a restricted strike length and are commonly 1-5 metres thick but reach a maximum thickness of 20 metres in the hinge zone of two small upright synclines in the axis of the major synclinal structure where they form the Whundo deposits.

The stratigraphic sequence at Whundo has undergone upper greenschist to lower amphibolite grade metamorphism, and is overprinted, in part, by hornblende hornfels contact metamorphism. These units have been folded about a moderately north plunging (25°-45°) synformal structure.

The West Whundo deposit outcropped as a gossan folded around a synclinal nose. The gossan was about 135 metres in length and up to 10 metres wide in the core of the syncline which plunges shallowly to the north. The gossan was surrounded by chloritic and sericitic schists, and with volcanic rocks present in the sequence.

Secondary copper mineralisation at West Whundo is present in two zones within the syncline; a southern zone centred about 75 metres to the north of the gossan, and a northern zone centred a further 90 metres to the NNE. The southern zone has a diameter of about 60 metres and the northern about 30 metres.

Previous Exploration

Exploration by Fox Resources Ltd (Fox) in 2006 identified a mineralised zone within the Yannery prospect but peripheral to the historically mined area. This previous work by Fox included RC drilling for a total of nine holes and a fixed loop electro-magnetic (FLEM) survey. The Fox drill sample assay results included:

  • Hole YNRC004 – 10m @ 2.05% Cu from 40m, including 3m @ 6.10% Cu
  • Hole YNRC005 – 1m @ 3.16% Cu from 43m
  • Hole YNRC007 – 10m @ 3.5% Cu from 39m, including 4m @ 8.3% from 41m

Artemis Resources (ASX:ARV) also undertook reconnaissance drilling to the NW of Yannery in 2018 aimed at testing for a down plunge extension to the mineralisation reported by Fox. One hole proved successful with the following results reported:

  • Hole AWRC077 – 18m @ 0.9% Cu from 53m, including 1.3% Cu from 54m

Figure 1: Whundo Copper project location

Figure 2: Whundo Cu-Zn VMS Field Drone Tour

Figure 3: Whundo Resource and Target Areas

Figure 4: Underexplored targets at Austin, Shelby, Yannery and Ayshia

2022 Drill Program

In early 2022, GreenTech undertook a maiden 4,974m RC drill program at Whundo and Ayshia to test multiple drill-ready targets aimed at growing the existing JORC 2012 compliant resources at Whundo, as well as lateral and deeper extensions to the eastern and western lobes of the Whundo resource.

At Whundo, the Company drilled 25 holes for 3,838m, with significant intersections returning:

  • 32m @ 2.43% Cu from 75mincluding 17m @ 4.37% Cu and 0.46% Zn from 90m, including 7m @ 7.83% Cu0.64% Zn and 0.26g/t Au from 95m in RC005
  • 62m @ 1.12% Cu1.36% Zn and 0.36g/t Au, including 19m @ 1.6% Cu, 2.27% Zn and 0.51g/t Au from 21m in RC007
  • 45m @ 1.15% Cu and 2.6% Zn from 23m, including 12m @ 9.17% Zn2.34% Cu and 0.62g/t Au from 52m in hole 22GTRC008
  • 8m @ 2.65% Cu, 0.64% Zn and 0.11g/t Au from 141m in hole 22GTRC017
  • 10m @ 2.85% Cu and 0.96% Zn from 162m in hole 22GTRC023

2023 Drill Program

Greentech followed up the 2022 drill program with successful drilling in early 2023. This allowed the Company to identify new mineralised events at the Austin and Yannery prospects and to increase its mineral resource estimate (MRE). The assay results from this drilling included the following intercepts;


Hole 23GTRC001

  • 19m @ 0.81% Cu from 225m, including:
  • 7m @ 1.87% Cu from 226m
  • 1m @ 5.4% Cu from 226m

Elevated zinc, gold and cobalt were also intercepted, including:

  • 9m @ 0.285% Zn from 226m
  • 2m @ 1.35g/t Au from 178m
  • 15m @ 0.04% Co from 226m, including 6m @ 0.073% Co from 226m


Hole 23GTRC009

  • 21m @ 2.1% Cu from 22m, including
  • 8m @ 5.2% Cu from 31m, and
  • 3m @ 13.1% Cu from 32m, and
  • 1m @ 23.1% Cu, 37.1g/t Ag from 34m, and
  • 6m @ 0.3g/t Au, 7.7g/t Ag from 31m

Reserves and Resources

The combined Whundo and Ayshia resources are shown in Table 1 below (refer ASX announcement dated 12 April 2023 for full details).

Table 1: Combined Whundo and Ayshia JORC 2012 Mineral Resource Estimate

Ore Type Grade Range Category Tonnes (kt) Cu (%) Zn (%) Cu Metal (t) Zn Metal (t) Total Metal (t)
Whundo >0.25 Indicated 4,271 1.05 0.90 44,755 38,334 83,089
Whundo >0.25 Inferred 0.854 1.39 0.45 11,876 3,811 15,685
Ayshia >0.5 Inferred 0.916 1.3 2.3 11,908 21,068 32,976
Total >0.5 Ind & Inf 6,041 1.14 1.05 68,539 63,213 131,752

*Whundo deposit resource reported in 2018 using LME metal prices Cu US$6,058/t, Zn US$2,457/t and using 0.5% CuEq cut-off grade

**Ayshia deposit resource reported using LME metal prices for 6/5/2022; Cu US$9,428/t, Zn US$3,828/t, Au US$1,833/oz, Ag US$22.38/oz and using a 0.5% CuEq cut-off grade